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Aironet 1200 IOS Upgrade ?

Level 1
Level 1

I have an AP that is stuck at the ap: prompt. I do a dir and it has no IOS currently on the flash. The network admin before me installed the ap and threw away the power adaters because we run poe. I have the AP connected to a powered switch and I also have a console cable connected to the AP. How can I get the IOS back on the flash?

I have looked for an xmodem command and can not find one. Is there any other way?


4 Replies 4

Level 1
Level 1

At the ap: prompt you can use "?" to see the available commands. You can use the "set" command to set the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. Use the "set" command with no parameters to see what the current settings are.

From memory, I think I used something like the following to load the IOS from a TFTP server:

tar -xtract tftp:// flash:/


Level 1
Level 1

I had a similar problem that was fully resolved by following the enclosed procedure (which I found on this forum, btw).


Follow the steps below to reload the access point image using the CLI. When the access point begins to

boot, you interrupt the boot process and use boot loader commands to load an image from a TFTP server

to replace the image in the access point.

Step 1 Open the CLI using a Telnet session or a connection to the access point console port.

Step 2 Reboot the access point by removing power and reapplying power.

Step 3 Let the access point boot until it begins to inflate the image. When you see these lines on the CLI, press Esc:

Loading "flash:/c350-k9w7-mx.v122_13_ja.20031010/c350-k9w7-mx.v122_13_ja.20031010"


Step 4 When the ap: command prompt appears, enter the set command to assign an IP address, subnet mask,

and default gateway to the access point.

Your entries might look like this example:

ap: set IP_ADDR

ap: set NETMASK


Step 5 Enter the tftp_init command to prepare the access point for TFTP.

ap: tftp_init

Step 6 Enter the tar command to load and inflate the new image from your TFTP server. The command must

include this information:

• the -xtract option, which inflates the image when it is loaded

• the IP address of your TFTP server

• the directory on the TFTP server that contains the image

• the name of the image

• the destination for the image (the access point Flash)

Your entry might look like this example:

ap: tar -xtract tftp://')> flash:

Step 7 When the display becomes full the CLI pauses and displays --MORE--. Press the spacebar to continue.

extracting info (229 bytes)

c350-k9w7-mx.122-13.JA1/ (directory) 0 (bytes)

c350-k9w7-mx.122-13.JA1/html/ (directory) 0 (bytes)

extracting c350-k9w7-mx.122-13.JA1/html/level1/images/apps_button_last_flat.gif (318


-- MORE --

If you do not press the spacebar to continue, the process eventually times out and the access point stops

inflating the image.

Step 8 Enter the set BOOT command to designate the new image as the image that the access point uses when it reboots. The access point creates a directory for the image that has the same name as the image, and

you must include the directory in the command. Your entry might look like this example:

ap: set BOOT flash:/c350-k9w7-mx.122-13.JA1/c350-k9w7-mx.122-13.JA1

Step 9 Enter the set command to check your bootloader entries.

ap: set





Step 10 Enter the boot command to reboot the access point. When the access point reboots, it loads the new


ap: boot

Hello Manish,

Thank you for sharing the information. More relevant and similar content can be found in the following Document.

Erasing Flash and Reloading the Access Point image on Cisco AP


Vinay Sharma
Community Manager


Thanks & Regards

These process works only if u r able to get in to ap prompt and not in uboot or any other prompt. If ur partition broken ur ap will never come up and go into loop and if it’s not able to find the boot image from the partition. It effected by environmental variable or there is actual problem in file system. Either side you will not be able to boot. Even the reset mode button will not work either. That’s why people say rma.

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