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Level 4

We are proud to introduce Engineering DeathMatch, coming soon to an upcoming DevNet zone! Is DevNet about to become dangerous? Okay, maybe not. :-) But it got you to read this blog, right?  No engineers were harmed in the making of this event!

What is Engineering DeathMatch?

Engineering DeathMatch is a web based competition-style TV show designed to challenge engineers and offer the opportunity to take a 1 vs 1 contest  and test their development abilities. Two engineers compete in an Engineering DeathMatch and one will leave victorious. This will be a bracket style event where two sets of two engineers will compete, where one from each set will move into the final round for the grand prize. The episodes each focus on a specific theme and Cisco technologies. Engineering DeathMatch has proposed to collaborate and build 3 episodes. The next event will be launched at Cisco Live in Las Vegas, NV July 11-14, 2016. The focus of this episode will be development and APIs using the Automating Network Control Through Programmability ( APIC-EM ) API, the Cisco Spark API, and the Tropo API.

Is Engineering DeathMatch New?

The founder of Engineering DeathMatch, John Welsh, has previously created two seasons of episodes and it originally came alive to target CCIE network engineers. They wanted to figure out if we can activate Cisco voice partners to develop code.

Why Have Engineering Deathmatch Be Part of Cisco DevNet?

You will experience a lot of excitement and fun around our DevNet zone! You may even pick up and learn a new things. The idea of a competition that is being recorded live will reel in the crowd.

How are the Engineers Selected to Compete?

John Welsh will be getting the word out and advertising to have engineers submit to be selected. The engineer will include information on

their skill level to make sure we match up engineers with other engineers of a similar skillset to make it as fair as possible. Currently, engineers are recruited and recommended as a competitor. Over time, we will be opening this up to the public and anyone who wants to participate.

How Will They Win?

Point criteria is well defined, but when an engineer completes the task, he/she will win!

What Will They Do?

The contestants will be given a scenario where they will have 1 hour to complete it during the course of the event. The Cisco evangelists will define the scenario.  There MAY be something thrown in that could cause an interruption, such as integrating another API within APIC-EM and having to learn it from scratch. That’s when it becomes a lot more fun to watch them struggle a little bit, right?

How Will People Hear About It?

Twitter, blog posts, and YOU! Let’s all work together and talk about it!

Twitter Accounts to Follow: @EngDeathMatch, @CiscoDevNet, @CiscoSparkDev, @Tropo

Twitter Hashtags to use: #EngineeringDeathMatch, #EDMAPIC, #EDMSpark, #EDMTropo

You can find all their social media links on the top right corner of their website, including Periscope, Facebook, and YouTube.

Does It Sound Fun? Join Us!

Next time you come visit Cisco DevNet and hear loud screaming and cheering, you will know exactly what is going on. Come join the fun! Anyone is welcome to watch the competition.

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