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Level 4


Happy 2017! As we look back on 2016, there was a lot going on around the world. It did provoke strong emotions and thoughts for many. In the fast changing world around us, one word for me is ‘relevant’. There is change in every aspect of the world we live in, and keeping us relevant with the change will decide the future of us as individuals and also as a civilization. Will the learning, the skill sets, the methods we use today be relevant for the needs of tomorrow?

Biggest changes in our social and political environments are driven by the digitization of everything around us. It is no longer about a specific technology, it is the combined experience created by different technologies that is bringing new disruptive innovations. These experiences were not possible without the connectivity of systems, applications, tools, things, and people. It is truly the combination of atoms(physical things) and bits(the software driven intelligence)that is needed for this digital era. Internet of Things(IoT) is this combination of physical things and the data-driven software intelligence to deliver the right outcomes for your business.

It’s time to start thinking about your learning that will be relevant tomorrow as the technology world evolves around you. This three part blog series is to get you started and we are hosting a workshop at CL Berlin to further bring this learning to you. Come join us on Feb 20th and Feb 24th in Women in Tech Workshop- Introduction to IOT with DIY Arduino and real solutions using Cisco DevNet DevIoT.

"The only relevant question is whether you will let it be possible for you." Gay Hendricks.

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