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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Cisco Live! Berlin (Cisco Live EMEA 2017 - Berlin, Germany | Feb 20-24, 2017) is quickly approaching and I couldn't be more excited for this version of the DevNet Zone (DevNet Zone - Cisco Live EMEA 2017).  If you haven't been to Cisco Live! or the DevNet Zone well then you're in for a treat.  Actually, if you've been to both before, we have so much new stuff (in addition to the classic DevNet Zone material) that our veterans are in for a treat as well.  We have 100+ workbench, theater and classroom sessions, 30+ demo pods, and, the belle of the ball, our very popular Learning Lab area with the improved IoT train.  I haven't even mentioned the new gamification with our Spark bot Devvie in which you can earn credit for completing DevNet activities and use that to get some sweet prizes!

Alright, that's enough of touting the DevNet Zone.  Let's get to what you really want to know: where is Matt DeNapoli going to be all week so I can learn the awesome stuff that he wants to teach everyone.

First off, since APIs are DevNet's main focus, we'll do some introductory work on what REST APIs are and how to use them (hint: it's not as hard as you think).  We'll do that at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Wednesday in Coding 101.

Wednesday, Feb 22, 9:00 a.m.

Thursday, Feb 23, 9:00 a.m.

Coding 101: Introduction to REST APIs

Technical Level:  Introductory

Session ID: DEVNET-1001

Second, because security is of utmost importance and a lot of APIs require some sort of authorization mechanism, I'll go through some of the more common methods on Wednesday and Thursday at lunch time (you should probably skip lunch and come to this one because, frankly you'll see some neat stuff in action).

Wednesday, Feb 22, 12:00 p.m. AND Thursday, Feb 23, 12:00 p.m.

Coding Class - Intro to API Authentication Types (Oauth, token HTTP Basic)

Technical Level:  Introductory

Session ID: DEVNET-1060

Want to apply what you learned above on a real world use case?  Then come check out my Connected Mobile Experience session on Thursday at 10:00 am.  I'll show you how to use the Mobility Services Engine (MSE) APIs to solve some real time location services (RTLS) problems in several different verticals.

Thursday, Feb 23, 10:00 a.m.

Using Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) to Deliver Blue Dot Indoor Location Positioning

Technical Level:  Introductory

Session ID: DEVNET-1069

Finally, if you want to REALLY get your hands dirty with CMX and the MSE APIs, fret not because I have two workbench sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday at 11:00 am to build a working application that leverages location notifications.

Tuesday, Feb 21, 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, Feb 22, 11:00 a.m.

DevNet Workshop - Creating Context-Aware Mobile Experiences with CMX API

Technical Level:  Intermediate

Session ID: DEVNET-2045

You can register for ALL of these sessions here: Content Catalog - Cisco Live EMEA 2017

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