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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Cisoc at OpenStack Summit

Hope you have your flights and hotel booked and registration set for the OpenStack Summit, Tokyo. As always, there is a great lineup of sessions vying for your time and attention. As you plan out your personal schedule for the week, keep in mind that we will have a mini theater near the Cisco booth with an equally compelling lineup of 20 minute talks. 

Let me call your attention to two sessions brought to you by Cisco DevNet:

Title:        OpenStack@Cisco and DevNet, Enabling a Robust Developer Ecosystem

Speakers:  Charles Eckel and Rohit Agarwalla

When:       Tuesday, Oct 27, 1:50pm - 2:10pm and Thursday, Oct 29, 11:10am - 11:30am

Abstract:   The OpenStack@Cisco team has been active in the OpenStack community and continues to make upstream contributions. DevNet is Cisco’s developer program, creating a community of developers who leverage Cisco technology in their work. The OpenStack community within DevNet compliments the upstream OpenStack community, providing learning opportunities, sample code, support, and other developer tools related to work Cisco is doing with OpenStack. Come learn all DevNet offers to help you build compelling and innovative applications and solutions that involve OpenStack.


Title:       OpenStack and OpenDaylight, The Evolving Relationship in Cloud Networking

Speaker:  Charles Eckel

When:     Wednesday, Oct 28, 2:30pm - 2:50pm and 4:50pm - 5:10pm

Abstract:  OpenStack is well established as the public/private cloud platform, abstracting compute, storage, and networking resources behind a unified set of APIs. OpenStack Neutron provides the lion's share of  networking resources and seems sufficient for many small private cloud deployments. As scale and increases and service providers with large network footprints come into the picture, new complications arise. Service provider networks have requirements and capabilities far beyond those addressable with Neutron. Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has given rise to modular network controllers in the service provider space. OpenDaylight is the open source world’s answer, and service providers want to be able to marry OpenStack orchestration with OpenDaylight networking, as evident by the Open Platform for Network Function Virtualization project (OPNFV). Come learn about and discuss this delicate yet critical balance that must be addressed when using OpenStack to deploy at large scale.

Here are some additional pointers to help you get the most out of your time at the Open Stack Summit:

Please feel free to share any thoughts or questions by commenting here, or reach out to me directly. I look forward to seeing you in Tokyo.

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