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Level 5
Level 5

A few months ago we released the Open NX-OS with Nexus 9kv Sandbox. This lab leverages VIRL to provide a handful of simulated, virtual Nexus 9k switches. The Nexus 9k switches were deployed with a basic configuration meeting the needs of many.

But what about Power On Auto-Provisioning (POAP)? What even is POAP?

No no… not Pope, P.O.A.P! POAP enables the automatic deployment of NX-OS software and config to a switch with no hands. POAP makes quick work of provisioning switches on day zero. When Nexus switches are booted lacking a configuration, they’ll automatically go into POAP mode. We updated our automation to let you pick between default and POAP ready Sandbox:

  • Default – Basic config on NX-OS devices. Good for working on NX-API, YANG, Guest Shell and more.
  • POAP Network Topology - No config on NX-OS devices, switches in POAP mode.

Choose the desired simulation from the dropdown during reservation time:


Choosing the POAP option provides you with a Lab that's ready for POAP testing out of the box. So if you’ve been looking for a safe place to try out POAP, the Open NX-OS with 9kv Sandbox is for you! If you don’t know where to get started, check out the DevCenter and NX-OS Docs.

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