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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Today’s business world is filled with applications that deliver unprecedented ease, simplicity, and speed to users in the workforce. At least that’s what they’re meant to do. The best apps –  those that get the most use and offer the highest return — are those that are most accessible to users. The easier it is for a user to access and implement an app, the more the app can provide the benefits it’s designed to deliver.

And that’s where the Gupshup integration with Cisco Spark comes in. Gupshup is a user-friendly platform that enables developers to easily create bots that allow users to interact with their most important business applications. Gupshup’s integration with Cisco Spark means users can use and access business applications without ever leaving their Spark rooms.

Let’s look at an example of how this works. Say the users in your procurement department regularly use an automated app to track inventory. Using Gupshup, you can build out a bot that lets your procurement team access this app easily from inside Cisco Spark. Instead of leaving Spark to enter the app, a procurement team member can input a simple slash command into Spark, like /inventory. The bot receives this command and pulls the relevant information from the inventory app to be viewed within Spark.

One of the great things about Gupshup is that it’s so easy to use. To get a bot up and running, just follow the simple steps below:

  • Using your existing GitHub account, create a free Gupshup account.
  • Use the Gupshup code template and test screen for rapid code development.
  • With just a few lines of code, instruct your bot to do what you need it to do.
  • Finally, make the connection to Spark by simply copying and pasting your Spark bot access token.

And that’s that. Check out Gupshup, get busy building bots, and have fun!

Using Gupshup with Cisco Spark from Cisco Spark for Developers on Vimeo.

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