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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

During the last few years, digital technologies have been woven into every aspect of business - accelerating, streamlining, and automating the way we get work done. As digital transformation continues to top the list of business priorities, the enterprise network, which supports these digital initiatives, has also become a central focus. What are the networking architectures that are needed to support digital transformation today? How can IT teams more effectively deploy cloud and software-defined network (SDN) solutions that power businesses’ digital missions?

On January 27th at 10:30am PST (1:30pm EST), we’re hosting a #CiscoChat to discuss these questions and more. During the chat, we’ll be joined by industry experts Nolan Greene (@ngreeneIDC), Enterprise Networking Analyst, IDC, and Matthew Marden (@mmarden_IDCBV) Analyst, IDC, who will help offer insights into enterprise networking and what’s on the horizon for the future.

RSVP and get reminders for the Cisco Chat here

To participate in the chat:

  • Make sure you’re logged into your Twitter account.
  • Search for the #CiscoChat hashtag and click on the Live tab.
  • The chat will be moderated by Julie McPherson and Lauren Colson on the Cisco Enterprise Networks handle (@CiscoEnterprises) on Twitter. Be sure to follow the account to participate. They will begin welcoming guests at 10:30am PST (1:30pm EST) and posting questions for discussion.
  • For @ replies to specific participants in the discussion, please use a “.” at the beginning of the tweet, so that your question or comment will appear in your public twitter feed.
  • If you need multiple tweets to answer a question, please preface each tweet with “1A, 2A,” etc. in order to make it easier for others to follow along with the conversation.
  • Be sure to use the #CiscoChat hashtag at the end of each tweet, so that others can find your contributions to the discussion.

Don’t forget to bring your own questions to the discussion as well! See you there!


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