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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: Pavan Arza on 31-12-2008 05:46:01 PM
I developed a Prototype Agent Desktop for our application using .Net. I could get all the functionality to work. When the agents login and change state using this prototype, they don't show up on Cisco's supervisor desktop. Do I need to changes something on the Agent or Session object for this to work.

Subject: Re: Agents not showing up in CISCO Supervisor Desktop
Replied by: David Lender on 05-01-2009 02:37:51 PM
Pavan this sounds like a configuration issue. Are the agents you log in
part of the Supervisors team?


Subject: Re: Agents not showing up in CISCO Supervisor Desktop
Replied by: Pavan Arza on 08-01-2009 09:46:16 PM
Hi David,
Yes they are. In fact when they Login from Cisco Agent Desktop they showup on Cisco Supervisor Desktop but not from the app that I Developed. It may well be Configuration but I could get any further reading the CTIDG.

Subject: Re: Agents not showing up in CISCO Supervisor Desktop
Replied by: David Lender on 08-01-2009 10:22:06 PM
Are you using CTIOS toolkit? Which CIL? Is this UCC Enterprise or UCC
Express? Express Cisco Agent and Supervisor Desktop uses a proprietary
method to send agent info to supervisors and do not use CTIOS.

Subject: Re: Agents not showing up in CISCO Supervisor Desktop
Replied by: Pavan Arza on 08-01-2009 11:26:55 PM
I am using CTIOS ToolKit with .Net CIL.

The Agent Desktop and Supervisor Desktop are Enterprise 7.2. Programmed by SpanLink

Subject: RE: Re: Agents not showing up in CISCO Supervisor Desktop
Replied by: Robert Eagleston on 09-02-2009 07:56:54 PM
I have not verified this yet, but according to a developer for the Supervisor Desktop, CAD registers itself in a table on a sql database on the peripheral gateway.  He said that if a custom agent app inserts  a record into a certain table in this database on login ,the out of the box supervisor desktop would recognize the custom CIL agent application.  He did not give specifics on the database name or the table name.  I have not looked into this yet, so it might not be correct.  Can anyone confirm this before I look into it?
Level 1
Level 1

2 Cisco agents were not dislaying on the Supervisor Desktop, but were able to take calls. The agets were correctly configured in the UCCX. Logging off and back on did not correct the problem. The agents restrated their computers to resolve the problem. Any idea what could have caused this? thanks

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