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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Gerard O'Rourke on 19-10-2012 05:44:40 AM

I wondering if anyone has experienced this issue?

The first part of the prompt is missed, i.e. not played out, as if the application has started too quickly and before the audio channels have been correctly set up on the PSTN.
So instead of "Welcome to ACME coporation", the caller hears "... to ACME corporation" and does not hear some or all of the word "welcome".
This is a mico app. The VRU leg is played on the local PSTN Gateway (so no RTP Streaming from a distant device).
the issue is occuring on CVP 8.5 on SIP.

The issue does NOT occur for the same application on CVP 7 on H323.

The Gateway is configured with the below

ivr prompt streamed none

voice rtp send-receive

Anyone else have any good ideas to help reduce or elliminate the issue?


Subject: RE: Beginning of First Prompt cut off
Replied by: Bill Webb on 19-10-2012 07:30:11 AM
It's definitely a voice path cut-through issue, which I think SIP is more prone to than H.323. That said, it shouldn't be happening. Can you describe the call flow and the ICM scripting?
If it's a config issue, it's probably not with the prompt streaming settings...

Subject: RE: Beginning of First Prompt cut off
Replied by: Paul Tindall on 19-10-2012 07:46:16 AM
The problem is that there's no explicit synchronisation between the media being established and the point at which the VoiceXML plays the first prompt.  Suggest you add a short delay into bootstrap.tcl.  Add "param delay 1000" on the bootstrap service on the gateway.  1000 is the delay in ms.  Adjust at will and see if you get any improvement.   Reload the application after you've added/changed the param to make sure it's picked up -- "call appl voice load bootstrap" assuming that's what you've called it.

Subject: Re: New Message from Gerard O'Rourke in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - Gener
Replied by: Janine Graves on 19-10-2012 07:54:04 AM
I've heard the same complaints from former students about their systems.
Does it ALWAYS happen?
And is it  just at the beginning of the call flow?
You might just speak a silence_1_sec.wav as the first  prompt (as a
workaround, not a solution!)

Subject: RE: Beginning of First Prompt cut off
Replied by: Gerard O'Rourke on 19-10-2012 11:46:08 AM
Paul, Janine, Bill,
I really appreciate the effort for responding.
Jaine your solution I had already thought of. It would be a pain, but it would work!
However Paul, your response was exactly what i was looking for. I never knew of this paratemter before.
Very very useful. Thank you so much.
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