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Level 11
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Created by: Vladimir Lozano Martinez on 18-03-2013 07:12:34 PM
Hi all,
I've been trying to get all Agent Statistics in a Monitor Agent Mode, for a supervisor desktop. The Filters I Set is the next:
strFilter = String_CtiOs.S_MESSAGEID + "=" + Cisco.CTIOSCLIENTLib.enumCTIOS_EventID.eOnNewAgentStatisticsEvent + ";" + String_CtiOs.S_AGENTID + "=*;"
filters.SetValue(Enum_CtiOs.CTIOS_FILTER, strFilter)
I currently has implemented these methods: OnQueryAgentStatisticsConf, OnAgentStatistics and OnMonitoredAgentInfoEvent. But I cannot get to works this.
Any tips will be helpful.
Greetings, Vlad

Subject: RE: New Message from Vladimir Lozano Martinez in Computer Telephony Integra
Replied by: David Lender on 19-03-2013 01:36:35 PM
See  the CTIOS Developer Guide section on “Set up Monitor mode application to receive agent statistics”.

Subject: RE: New Message from Vladimir Lozano Martinez in Computer Telephony Integra
Replied by: Vladimir Lozano Martinez on 30-03-2013 02:33:04 PM
Hi David,
We actually has moved to Java and currently make these works, but, now we want to monitor CallQueueEvent and CallDequeueEvent without success. The steps that we're followed is the Next:
1 . Set the CTIOs registry key  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems Inc.\Ctios\<Customer-Instancename>\CTIOS1\Server\CallObject\MinimizeEventArgs  to 0
2 . Cycle the CTIOs Servers.
The versions that we are using are under PCCE 9.0. Other thing we has noted is that the Variable CallType On CallStablished Event for inboud call is allways 0, (not 2)
Have you any sugestions?

Subject: RE: New Message from Vladimir Lozano Martinez in Computer Telephony Integra
Replied by: David Lender on 02-04-2013 07:48:01 AM
CallQueuedEvent and CallDequeuedEvent are NOT available for UCCE.  They are available for TDM ACDs only.  See the CTIOS System Manager’s Guide section on Peripheral Specific Support.

Subject: RE: New Message from Vladimir Lozano Martinez in Computer Telephony Integra
Replied by: Vladimir Lozano Martinez on 26-04-2013 11:08:08 AM
Hello David,
There is a way to set/change the frecuency for agent Statistics?

Subject: RE: New Message from Vladimir Lozano Martinez in Computer Telephony Integra
Replied by: Vladimir Lozano Martinez on 26-04-2013 12:23:44 PM
Vladimir Lozano Martinez:
Hello David,
There is a way to set/change the frecuency for agent Statistics?

I found it, I was omiting change the "PollForAgentStatsAtEndCall" at the registry.

Subject: RE: New Message from Vladimir Lozano Martinez in Computer Telephony Integra
Replied by: David Lender on 29-04-2013 10:02:07 AM
See the CTIOS System Managers Guide section on CTIOS Configuration Server\Agent configuration for PollingIntervalSec which defaults to 15.
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