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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi all,


if you are looking for a small number of users for Webex Meetings -->

Flex Plan Named User Meetings

Flex Plan Named User Meetings - best way to get Webex Meetings for individual users

GPL price for user/year: $387-441 (exact cost depends on the options selected)


if you are looking for 25 named users or more for Webex Meetings + other Webex services --->

Flex Plan Named User Meetings Suite

Flex Plan Named User Meetings Suite - for 25 or more named users orders

GPL price for 25 users/year: $15.9K


if you are looking for a pay-as-you-grow model (15% of your users for year1) for Webex Meetings + other Webex services -->

Flex Plan Active User Meetings

Flex Plan Active User Meetings - enterprise-wide agreement, pay as you grow

need to order at least 15% of your total knowledge workers

GPL price example for 45 active users (of total 300 users) for year1 : $18.3K


if you are looking for an enterprise-agreeement for all your users for Webex Meetings + other Webex services-->

Flex Plan EA (Enterprise Agreement) for all users (for all your knowledge workers)


If you are interested for other Webex services (Webex Training, Webex Event, Webex Support) similar concept applies:

Flex Plan Named User Meetings for individual users (different prices than Webex Meetings price off course) and 

Flex Plan Named User Meetings Suite or Flex Plan Active User Meetings for larger number of users


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DISCLAIMER: this post was created in order to provide useful info to Cisco partners and customers in my area (Greece/Cyprus and Malta).  For official and updated information, please consult cisco documentation, datasheets and ordering guides.

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