Randall Jackson
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎01-10-2013

User Statistics

  • 34 Posts
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  • 14 Helpful votes Given
  • 1 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello,   I am running CMS 2.4.2 in a cluster with two nodes running the Webbridge component. I have setup an F5 where the Guest account client URI points towards and then the F5 distributes the connection to one of the two WB's. I'm having some incon...
I'm looking to configure box to box redundancy using Redundancy Group Infrastructure for CUBE and am looking for a sample configuration or links to complete documentation on how to configure this on ISR 4K's. Can anyone provide an example of a workin...
In CMS 2.3, an new API command was added to the CallLegProfile to allow call legs with the assigned call leg profile to be able to set the importance of other participants.    If a coSpace was setup with multiple access methods, once access method co...
Hello,   I would like to send calls to CMS using port 5070 instead of 5061. I have changed my Cisco UCM configuration on the SIP trunk and SIP Trunk security profile to use 5070. However, now the SIP trunk shows not active when using OPTIONS PING.   ...
I have a QM environment running 9.0 and all of the agents today are setup with Desktop Recording functionality. We are looking to migrate this to utilize network based recording and BIB on the phones. Looking for any suggestions on the best approach ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-10-2013 06:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-05-2024 12:24 AM
Posts 34
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