Mohamed Youssef
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎09-09-2011

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  • 9 Posts
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Dears,I am trying to trigger POST API using the call studio Rest_Client element but It's not working. However, I am using the same setting in POSTMAN and Its working fine !!UCCE , CVP , call studio versions : 11.5Simple IVR application:Welcome messag...
we have the following :          -CUCM     -UCCX   7.0(1)SR05_Build504      -QM have to upgrade all of these components to 9.Xso how should i do the windows to linux upgrade for the CUCM and UCCX and what is the upgrade ...
Kindly can i upgrade directly from CUCM 7.0 to 9.0 ?If not , What is the required sequence of CUCM versions to reach to v 9.0 ?
i have SocialMiner installed on ESXI 5 and have the following issue 1-all feeds states have the following issue as shown in the picture "there was a network timeout"Can any one help me ?2- is Social miner supports different languages f...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-09-2011 11:08 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-25-2023 12:06 AM
Posts 9