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UCCX 10.5 || Web Chat Time of Day Routing

Customer is trying to implement Click to chat feature with UCCX 10.5 and Social Miner 10.5;
I have few questions to implement the solution

1. How to implement Time of Day/Day of Week and Holiday routing for UCCX web chat? As I understand, Web chat doesnt have scripts like in Voice calls to manage the Time/day/holiday routing; I thought of creating a HTTP trigger application, receive the HTTP/HTTPS chat event from Social Miner, check the time/day; if it is a business hour, then route it to Chat CSQ, if not send an appropriate response to the corporate website to display it to end customers.

2. As Chat/Voice can be managed simultaneously in Finesse Desktop (although Voice takes precedence), customer would like to know if there is an option to control this feature. For instance, if the agent is in CHAT, he/she should not receive Voice call (even if they are in READY state) and vice versa.

3. How to pull the Historical chat transcripts from server based on agent ID/customer name/ etc...?

4. Is there any sound/Visual alert shown in the finesse Desktop when a chat request comes into the agent?

Kindly share your thoughts and suggestions. Please share any other alternate ways to achieve these requirements.

Bala R

UCCX 10.5 SU1

Social Miner 10.5

Finesse Agent Desktop

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