DevNet Sandbox

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DevNet Sandbox Community
Welcome to the DevNet Sandbox community!
Please share and collaborate on any questions, comments, or ideas here.
If you have a technical issue, please click on the "Start a Conversation" button.
Leave details in the post, such as the name of the sandbox and details about the problem. Make sure to add a label with the type of problem you are having (such as Connectivity Issues and VPN, Sandbox Reservation Issues, Sandbox Specific Technical Issues, or Other Sandbox Issues).
If you are new to our development labs, you can develop, code & configure for free with the DevNet Sandboxes today.

Forum Posts

Dear Sandbox Users, From our last upgrade you're probably noticing all of the labs are now represented with new artwork! We have changed the artwork to standardize and simplify finding labs and technology when browsing the catalog.To help adjust to t...

jacoadam by Level 5
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  • 1 Helpful votes

Hello. I'm trying to get a service ticket from the body of a POST request on the url "". The request contains a json that looks like this: "{ "username" : "admin", "password" : "C!sc0123" }". This is th...

Dear Sandbox Users- We are currently experiencing an issue with our SSL certificate. If you need to use the sandbox, you will need to accept the temporary Self-Signed certificate to access the Sandbox. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have...

jacoadam by Level 5
  • 2 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

Anybody else have issues connecting to devnetsb12?  Tried AnyConnect client on Windows 7 and Windows 10 machines, cannot connect to devnetsb12 but can connect to production ASA's no problem.  Packet capture shows client send client certificate, but n...

Hi,Just wanting to try out the new UCCX sandbox - UCCX_EarlyRelease.Tried to reserve it but it offered me a date in September (September 25th).Is this correct?I thought Cisco were trying to improve availability of these sandboxes?If we have to wait 7...

I'm having connection issues to the OSC FCS lab. I connected successfully through Cisco AnyConnect using the credentials sent to me by email. Once connected I get an IP address on the subnet: Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

Hi,Is there any plan to update the Jabber Guest Server Sandbox from 10.5 to 10.6.9?If not, where can I download the "Jabber Guest SDK for Android 10.5"?As I want to use the latest SDK (10.6.9) to do some testing with the Jabber Guest Sandbox..Thanks,...

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