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addLine/removeLine tags in updatePhone don't work with lineIdentifiers



I'm trying to use the new addLine/removeLine tags in updatePhone in CUCM 10.5.1. It appears though as if CUCM wasn't yet in a place where this can be handled - here's what I get

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><soapenv:Fault><faultcode>soapenv:Server</faultcode><faultstring>No line is mentioned in removeLines tag</faultstring><detail><axlError><axlcode>5003</axlcode><axlmessage>No line is mentioned in removeLines tag</axlmessage><request>updatePhone</request></axlError></detail></soapenv:Fault></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

That seems to indicate that it only supports full lines in the removeLines tag.

Here's the full request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">



  <ns:updatePhone sequence="1">


  <description>Updated phone SGRO</description>




















  <phoneTemplateName uuid="{8E1A10FA-A52C-4435-A4EC-540D266C8C37}">Standard Client Services Framework</phoneTemplateName>

  <userLocale>English United States</userLocale>





  <dndOption>Ringer Off</dndOption>

  <dndRingSetting>Beep Only</dndRingSetting>




  <callingSearchSpaceName uuid="{DBBD54BA-AFDC-F929-67BF-AEA95C281A39}">CSS_intern</callingSearchSpaceName>

  <devicePoolName uuid="{FDF26FD2-4196-9292-20F8-B92ACF6DDB3D}">DP_Bern</devicePoolName>

  <commonPhoneConfigName uuid="{AC243D17-98B4-4118-8FEB-5FF2E1B781AC}">Standard Common Phone Profile</commonPhoneConfigName>

  <networkLocation>Use System Default</networkLocation>

  <locationName uuid="{607255BE-4FC6-17AF-3058-F5649148AFD0}">KLoten</locationName>



  <securityProfileName uuid="{C6085E14-A32C-4C5E-A3D1-8DAF60D81594}">Cisco Unified Client Services Framework - Standard SIP Non-Secure Profile</securityProfileName>

  <sipProfileName uuid="{FCBC7581-4D8D-48F3-917E-00B09FB39213}">Standard SIP Profile</sipProfileName>

  <cgpnTransformationCssName uuid="{DBBD54BA-AFDC-F929-67BF-AEA95C281A39}">CSS_intern</cgpnTransformationCssName>





  <networkLocale>United States</networkLocale>









  <presenceGroupName uuid="{AD243D17-98B4-4118-8FEB-5FF2E1B781AC}">Standard Presence group</presenceGroupName>




  <certificateOperation>No Pending Operation</certificateOperation>










  <outboundCallRollover>No Rollover</outboundCallRollover>

  <deviceTrustMode>Not Trusted</deviceTrustMode>







I'll now check if it works if I specify the line with a minimal set of information

@edit: of course, addLines are also affected. I get the same error except for the tag name when I send this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">



  <ns:updatePhone sequence="1">


  <description>Updated phone SGRO</description>
























  <phoneTemplateName uuid="{8E1A10FA-A52C-4435-A4EC-540D266C8C37}">Standard Client Services Framework</phoneTemplateName>

  <userLocale>English United States</userLocale>





  <dndOption>Ringer Off</dndOption>

  <dndRingSetting>Beep Only</dndRingSetting>




  <callingSearchSpaceName uuid="{DBBD54BA-AFDC-F929-67BF-AEA95C281A39}">CSS_intern</callingSearchSpaceName>

  <devicePoolName uuid="{FDF26FD2-4196-9292-20F8-B92ACF6DDB3D}">DP_Bern</devicePoolName>

  <commonPhoneConfigName uuid="{AC243D17-98B4-4118-8FEB-5FF2E1B781AC}">Standard Common Phone Profile</commonPhoneConfigName>

  <networkLocation>Use System Default</networkLocation>

  <locationName uuid="{607255BE-4FC6-17AF-3058-F5649148AFD0}">KLoten</locationName>



  <securityProfileName uuid="{C6085E14-A32C-4C5E-A3D1-8DAF60D81594}">Cisco Unified Client Services Framework - Standard SIP Non-Secure Profile</securityProfileName>

  <sipProfileName uuid="{FCBC7581-4D8D-48F3-917E-00B09FB39213}">Standard SIP Profile</sipProfileName>

  <cgpnTransformationCssName uuid="{DBBD54BA-AFDC-F929-67BF-AEA95C281A39}">CSS_intern</cgpnTransformationCssName>





  <networkLocale>United States</networkLocale>









  <presenceGroupName uuid="{AD243D17-98B4-4118-8FEB-5FF2E1B781AC}">Standard Presence group</presenceGroupName>




  <certificateOperation>No Pending Operation</certificateOperation>










  <outboundCallRollover>No Rollover</outboundCallRollover>

  <deviceTrustMode>Not Trusted</deviceTrustMode>







8 Replies 8

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I got similar results when I tested this as well and it appears to be a bug.  I will submit this up as a defect.

Thank you,


Could you post the bug id so that I can track this?


Stephan the bug ID is CSCus89666

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


The remove lines problem is related to another bug CSCuq54437 , which has a fix for it now.  The engineers are looking into the other problem with addLines.

I will let you know if they come up with anything else.

Thank You,


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


An update from the DE on the AXL updatePhone... the lineIdentifier tag should not be used with the addLines or removeLines tags, they should only be used under the lines tag.  The DE said they will update the WSDL to reflect the proper use of lineIdentifier.

Thank You,


hat's a rather weird design choice though. I mean.. you can use lineIdentifiers on addPhone, thus adding lines without all the things around it... so why not on update (after all.. if cucm can add all the stuff that's in a <line> tag if you just use lineIdentifier for addPhone, it should be able to do so for updatePhone).

And even more so for removing lines.. a line is uniquely identified by a lineIdentifier, so the most efficient way to remove a line would effectivly be an updatePhone with a lineIdentifier in a removeLines.

Yeah I would agree with you to that end.  I could send that up as a add feature request for them to put that functionality into the addLine and removeLine sections?

Let me know your thoughts on that.

I never answered but of course the answer is yes. Any step that makes things easier is appreciated.