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Cannot access ISE GUI or My Devices portal via FDQN.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

In my single node ISE 2.4 lab I have the FQDN for ISE defined as The FQDN I have configured in the My Devices portal is From my Win10 host I can successfully ping ISE via both FQDN's. However I cannot access ISE via either FQDN when I use a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge). I've checked the ISE self signed cert  used for admin and portal access and it looks fine (Subject CN =, Issuer = As a test I telnetted to using ports 443 and 8443 and both seemed to connect. Nslookup run from my Win10 host also resolves the FQDN's.


Any ideas about what could be happening here?

2 Accepted Solutions

Accepted Solutions

Did you check that DNS server has entries that can resolve the FQDN? Also the certificate needs to include the FQDN in the SAN

View solution in original post

Problem solved. Needed to add exception for lab domain in client browser. Thanks for the guidance.

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6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
When I say i cannot access ISE via my browser with an FQDN I mean it seems to be unable to resolve the name and cannot find the host. It does not come back with the typical SSL warning about a cert signed by an unknown CA.

Did you check that DNS server has entries that can resolve the FQDN? Also the certificate needs to include the FQDN in the SAN

The SAN is empty but the CN matches the FQDN. The DNS server has both FQDN’s.

Is this issue resolved ? You comment seems to suggest otherwise. If not, please check if you have a proxy or anything configured on the browsers and if possible, collect a packet capture on the ISE filtering the client's IP to see what is happening.

Agree also contact tac

Problem solved. Needed to add exception for lab domain in client browser. Thanks for the guidance.