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SNMP/APS SONET and Interface

Level 1
Level 1


We  have  a  12006  running the version 12.0(32)SY13..  They  are running  Automatic Protection Switching (APS) and  Now we are trying to add a fault managment sofware , but  we  found  a problem with the  information that the 12 k router have in order to identify the  interfaces that belong to sonet via snmp

I´m walking trough  the "CISCO-APS-MIB" and I found the object  cApsStatusTable, where it  supose that  show me  the  relation between the  APS groups Sonets  ant  the  en d  interfaces, but  doesnt show anything..

Do anyone has work with snmp in the  APS over 12k routers, and  have  any  idea  of  how  map  via  snmp of the  SONET cards and the  end interfaces?

Here is the configuration

controller SONET 1/2/0

au-4 1 tug-3 1

tug-2 3 e1 1 channel-group 1 timeslots 1-31

  tug-2 3 e1 1 framing no-crc4

interface Serial1/2/0.1/1/3/1:1 --->end  interfaces

ip address x.x.x.x

no ip redirects

no ip directed-broadcast

load-interval 30

no cdp enable

I  also tried with the next  object below  and  it doesnt show me nothing


            contains entries for each SONET LTE

            interface available on the system. The table serves two

            purposes. It can be used to locate SONET LTE

            interfaces that are not currently included in

            APS groups. It also provides a mapping from InterfaceIndex


1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

I found this  way, in order to  identify  if the  group that belong to APS group

I walked in the  “CISCO-APS-MIB” and I found this :

Walk to


. = 884

. = 879

SONET 4/1/0---->ifindex  884

SONET 3/1/0-----> ifindex 879

With this object, I found that  the interfaces  ifdex indicated 884 and 879, belongs to the same APS´s group “50”

And  another point that I noticed, is  that  the last octet, from the object indicate if the interface index is protect or working,as you see below:

. = 884----à “0” indicate that the interface index  is protect

. = 879-à “1” indicate that the interface index is working.

And now  with “cAppStatusSwitchedChannel”, I found that the in the group “50”  the  active  interface is protect, because the value 1 indicate that the interface protect  is working , and if the value is “cero indicate that the working interface is the active, as you see below:

. = 1---> distinto a cero, indica que esta trabajando el modo protegido

Here is  an ouput from the  aps group

PE-MTY-4#sh aps group 2  --------->884                    

SONET 4/1/0 APS Group 2: protect channel 0 (Active) (HA)

        Working channel 1 at (Disabled)  (HA)

        bidirectional, non-revertive

        PGP timers (extended for HA): hello time=1; hold time=10

                hello fail revert time=120

        SDH framing; SDH MSP signalling by default

        Received K1K2: 0x21 0x10

                Reverse Request (working); Bridging working

        Transmitted K1K2: 0x11 0x10

                Do Not Revert (working); Bridging working

        Remote APS configuration: working

        SF-BER Threshold=3; SD-BER Threshold=6

SONET 3/1/0 APS Group 2: working channel 1 (Inactive) (HA) ---->879

        Protect at (bidirectional)

        PGP timers (from protect): hello time=1; hold time=10

        SDH framing

        Remote APS configuration: protect

        SF-BER Threshold=3; SD-BER Threshold=6