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No changes made after successful updatePhone?

Level 1
Level 1


I'm trying to update the phone using the updatePhone to change the Line configuration to enable call recording (I feel like, categorically, these settings should be in the updateLine request, but whatever).  Anyways, here's the SOAP envelope I'm sending:

`<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">



        <ns:updatePhone sequence="?">


            <line ctiid="?">


                <recordingFlag>Automatic Call Recording Enabled</recordingFlag>

                <recordingProfileName uuid="?">Calabrio</recordingProfileName>

                <recordingMediaSource>Phone Preferred</recordingMediaSource>

                <monitoringCssName uuid="?">Calabrio-CSS</monitoringCssName>   





I get a response of 200 and the server returns a GUID, but nothing changes in the line configuration.

I tried to send an applyPhone command and again I get a 200 and a GUID, but no changes are made:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">



        <ns:applyPhone sequence="?">





What am I doing wrong?


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