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UUI with CCX. Migrating from ISDN TCL to SIP

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I've got a current deployment where we have a UCCX cluster configured with inbound agent screen pops triggered by UUI data that comes in with calls to an ISDN gateway. The ISDN gateway has a TCL script on the inbound dialpeer - the script uses GTD infotags to scrape the UUI data from the ISDN setup headers and tacks it on to the end of the DNIS so that CCX can access it. That TCL script checks to see if that ISDN UUI data is present with the following if statement:


if {[infotag get evt_gtd gtd_setup] && [infotag get gtd_attr_exists gtd_setup uus.1]}


We're trying to migrate the inbound call flow to SIP, and I can't seem to get this TCL script working with my CUBE. The script is being run and the calls are being routed properly, but the UUI data is not being ingested. I see the following message when the script is run while having voip application error debugs enabled:


//636148//AFW_:/vtr_ev_gtd_object: rawmsg not found in event


I've tried to find voice TCL scripting/programming guides specifically related to SIP implementations but it's like this topic was dropped in 2004. Can someone point me to a resource where I can determine if my infotags need to be changed for SIP vs ISDN? I was under the impression that since GTD is supposed to be standardized that it would work for SIP as well as ISDN, but perhaps that's not the case?

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