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Weird issue with Teamviewer on RV340

Cristian Perez
Level 1
Level 1


One of my clients, whose network is behind a RV340 router, has teamviewer functionality broken since some time already. When I say broken, I mean it is not possible for an external agent to connect to any of the network computers - only outcomes are either remote window loads but remains static (and so, unable to perform any operations) or remote window gets stuck on "initializing display parameters". Which makes this weirder yet, is that we are able to connect to the server, and only to the server.

Up until now, we have worked around this by connecting through PPTP VPN, which allows to succesfuly load and work teamviewer sessions. But now we are hitting a roadblock since one of our software providers only does support through teamviewer (which they are unable to do because of what has already been explained), and our only leads to what could be causing this are either something going with the router or problems with the ISP hardware (which has denied any involvement with the issue).

Hope that my explanation was clear enough to give you a solid picture of what's going on.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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