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Level 4
Level 4

Guys, thanks for a great doc. 

Can you clarify is DMVPN supported in Azure. You points that GRE is not supported (which is required AFAIK) but in last paragraph it is explicitly pointed as supported.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Vadim,

You should be able to do GRE over IPSec across the DMVPN tunnel

Community Member

Why the template uses (and force) /24 for both interfaces? Is there any limitations on azure that requires an /24 subnets?

Thanks, I think you are right because GRE is inside IPsec.

Not sure about template but there is no limitation on /24 in Azure, but the smallest net which you are able to create is /29.

Community Member

Right. The limitation are on current template available on azure marketplace. Just finished to install it and after the instalation I change the subnet interfaces to a smaller one.


Community Member

Can anyone share an sample config of Cisco CSR Azure-DMVPN .

Level 4
Level 4

DMVPN support on Azure CSR is the same as AWS CSR, please see the DMVPN config in this whitepaper as an example:

Community Member

Does the CSR1kv on Azure allow for bootstrapping of a config the way it works on AWS (with the  'ios-config" lines in the userdata section)?  I'd like to find a way to load the licensing and configuration without logging in via the CLI.

Community Member

Thanks Fangu for sharing the doc, its really helpful !

Can anyone confirm, in DMVPN can we use multivendor routers as Spokes (other than cisco) ?

I know DMVPN is cisco proprietary, so is there any way to achieve Dynamic VPN with cisco CSR and on remote sites with non-cisco routers.

Peter Cresswell
Level 5
Level 5

The CSR 1000V is not currently available in the Azure UK South and UK West Regions. This appears to be because the VM sizes available in those locations are slightly different, and named differently. Instead of 'D1', there is 'D1_V2'. The VM on the marketplace appears to be restricted to size names, so in UK South & UK West there are not available options...

Please would you let me know if you are aware of this and if it is being resolved?
I have tried both MS support and TAC but am getting nowhere...



Level 1
Level 1

Hi Everyone,


I'm trying to deploy 2x CSR in Azure in HA, I'm following the documentation but when I enter de redundacy mode and type the "cloud provider azure 100" command I get a message saying "Cloud HA Azure mode not supported".


I'm doing a test with the trial license (XA) so this is probably not the issue.


Can anyone help? This feature is already fully available?


Thank you

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