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Leah Davis
Level 5
Level 5

From: ttrentler

To modify the default backlight behavior for Cisco IP Phones under telephone service use the service phone commandin telephony-service. While some service phone commands can be placed in an ephone-template, the backlight settings can only be done under telephony-service.


  • The service phone command in telephony-service configuration mode modifies vendorConfig parameters in configuration file for phones in a Cisco Unified CME system.
  • The vendorConfig section of a configuration file is read by a phone's firmware when that Cisco Unified IP phone is booted. The number and type of parameters may vary from one firmware version to the next.
    The Paramaters are CASE SENSITIVE!!
  • The IP phone that downloads the configuration file will implement only those parameters that it can support and ignore configured parameters that it cannot implement. For example, a Cisco IP phone without a backlit display cannot implement backlight parameters regardless of how they are configured.
  • In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, support for creating configuration files at a phone level was added for SCCP phones. This command in ephone-template configuration mode creates an template of vendorConfig parameters that can be applied to individual SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME. This command in ephone-template configuration mode does not work for all vendorConfig parameters.
    if you use an ephone template to apply this command to one or more phones, you must also configure the cnf-file perphone command so that a separate configuration file is created for each phone, by MAC address. To apply this command in telephony-service mode to all phones of a particular type in Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can configure the cnf-file perphonetype command to specify that configuration files are generated by phone type.
  • To apply this command in telephony-service configuration mode to all phones in your Cisco Unified CME system, ensure that the system is configured for the default single per-system configuration file for all phones.

One of the default behaviors that I hate is that if the backlight is idle and a new call comes in the phone does not light up. To fix this do the below example.

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# service phone displayOnWhenIncomingCall 1

The following example shows how to set the default values for backlighting the phone display for all
Cisco Unified IP phones with backlight capabilities in Cisco Unified CME:

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# service phone daysBacklightNotActive 1,7
Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightOnTime 07:30
Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightOnDuration 10:00
Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightIdleTimeout 01:00
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# reset all

The following example shows how to set the backlighting parameters so that there is no backlighting of the phone display for all Cisco Unified IP phones with backlight capabilities until there is user interaction with the phone. The backlightIdleTimeout parameter is configured so that the backlight will switch off again after 60 seconds of inactivity.

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# service phone daysBacklightNotActive 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightOnTime 07:30
Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightOnDuration 10:00
Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightIdleTimeout 00.01
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# reset all

The following example shows how to set the display parameters so that the phone display for all Cisco Unified IP phones with luminous displays are blank on Sunday (1), Monday (2), and Saturday (7):

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# service phone daysDisplayNotActive 1,2,7
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# reset all

Level 1
Level 1

This was extremely helpful! Thanks for posting!

Dear Frentler,

I am facing some issues with the backlight dislpay in cisco 7970 phone. My CME is 7.0 version. I want all the phones to turn off the backlight dislpay after 1 minute. I have did what u mentioned above and there is no luck. The phones are not turning up automatically. please help..

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This was very useful however I was having the same trouble and found my problem being with this command.

Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightIdleTimeout 00.01

It should be with a colon not a period.

Router(config-telephony)# service phone backlightIdleTimeout 00:01

Changed it and it worked. 


Level 1
Level 1

could you also share how to set the backlight / display to ON all day, all time ?




Level 1
Level 1

Is there any command that can show the current service phone setting or cnf-files. I did a google search and found nothing.Thanks.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi ,

Please check with "sh telephony-service" .It will show back-light setting.

"phone service displaylightIdleTimeout 00:01" ........etc


Level 1
Level 1

Can someone please tell me what the difference between these two commands are:


service phone daysBacklightNotActive 1

service phone daysDisplayNotActive 1


We have 7945 and 7965 model phones.  What will the effect be using one or the other of these commands

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