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Bulk Update an entire device pool's second line

We are running CUCM and have a request to update all of the second lines on our phones.  The catch, is that the phones with entries already there, need to keep them.  We want to skip those phones. 

If I use a template, it overwrites the second line.  When I use the Bat, I have to use a template, which overrides the second line.

"Update Lines" does not have the option to just update the secondary line

"Update Phones" does not have the option either.

Am I missing something or do you all know of a way to target large groups of phones <800+ to start> and skip the ones with populated entries already?

2 Replies 2

Aaron O'Hare
Level 1
Level 1

It could be done in SQL from the UCM command line but Cisco tends to not recommend this route as you can do more damage than good, you could write your update statement with a clause if the line is not null to skip it.

As for in UCM itself you could export the phones, update their second line in Excel or similar, then re-import them with Override selected, they should come out identical to how they are configured now.


We don't have the SQL resource set up, and like you said it can cause more harm than good.  This change is going to be made in production, so a large issue would not be tolerable. 

The export of the phones, editing, and re-import was a thought we had as well.  We wanted to shy away from it because of the number of phones we are working with.  I will bring it back up and see what they say.
