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UCS Central Powershell connection Error

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

I seem to be having an issue when I try to connect up to our UCS Central with Powershell.  I *think* it's because we don't have anything other than the self-signed cert securing the site, but I can use the UCS Manager powershell to connect to all of our domains without valid certs, so I'm not 100% that the cert on Central is the problem.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

The series of events:


PS N:\> $central = Connect-UcsCentral

cmdlet Connect-UcsCentral at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Connect-UcsCentral : Error in the application.
At line:1 char:12
+ $central = Connect-UcsCentral
+            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Connect-UcsCentral], UcsCentralLoginException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Cisco.UcsCentral.Cmdlets.ConnectUcsCentral


Obviously, is not the FQDN of the UCS Central install, but you get the idea I hope.  Thanks in advance!

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Are you able to ping the FQN and launch the UCS Central UI from the machine where you are running the UCS Central PowerTool?

Yes, UCS Central works fine from the same device using the IP, short name, or FQDN.  I cannot connect with the UCS Central PS using any of those.  I had a thought it might be a problem with local vs LDAP authentication (I've seen that in some of our UCS Domains with the Manager powershell), so I created a new user in UCS Central and tried to authenticate using that, still no dice.  Lastly, I added the self-signed UCS Central cert to the Computer's trusted people store of the device I'm on, and I *still* get the error.  Hasn't changed at all, same one, but it's starting at me.  Judging.

What is the UCS Central version?

1.2(1e) for UCS Central

Hi Ryan,

We have tried to reproduce issue in development environment. We do not see the issue. We are able to connect with UCS Central using PowerShell.

Can you please contact us through Cisco TAC for a call to debug the issue.

We will be happy to help.

Thank you,


Will do, thank you for the help so far

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