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vNIC placement policy set to "manual"

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Following up on a question from Cisco Live:

"Currently there is no way that i know of to set placement policy for vnics as manual.. I can use lsvcinnassign but I would have to first manually select manual on the SP. It would be nice to add manual along with linear and rr"

The best flow I know of to do this in PowerTool will be to 1st setup a vNIC/vHBA placement policy (Host_Infra2 in this example):


$mo = Get-UcsOrg -Level root  | Add-UcsPlacementPolicy -Descr "" -MezzMapping "round-robin" -Name "Host_Infra2" -PolicyOwner "local"

$mo_1 = $mo | Add-UcsFabricVCon -ModifyPresent -Fabric "NONE" -Id "1" -InstType "auto" -Placement "physical" -Select "assigned-only" -Share "shared" -Transport "ethernet","fc"


The "Add-UcsFabricVCon" will set vcon 1 to "assigned-only".

You can then create a vNIC template and lan connectivity policy to programmatically set the order of vNICS.  use the Host_Infra2 policy during SP template creation (this is python code but very similar to PowerTool):

mo = VnicLanConnPolicy(parent_mo_or_dn=org, policy_owner="local", name="DemoLANConn", descr="")

# add PXE vnic and set vcon and vcon order.  Policy is always "Linux" below

mo_1 = VnicEther(parent_mo_or_dn=mo, cdn_prop_in_sync="yes", nw_ctrl_policy_name="", admin_host_port="ANY", admin_vcon="1", stats_policy_name="default", admin_cdn_name="", switch_id="NONE", pin_to_group_name="", name="PXE", order="1", qos_policy_name="", adaptor_profile_name="Linux", ident_pool_name="", cdn_source="vnic-name", mtu="1500", nw_templ_name="PXE_Template_A", addr="derived")

Above sets the PXE vNIC (based on the PXE_Template_A vNIC template) with order 1.

SP Template creation can then use the LAN connectivity policy and vNIC/vHBA placement policy (Host_Infra2 above) to explicitly order vNICs.

I've marked as a question in case there are other comments on best practices for manually setting vNIC order.

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