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Barry Harp
Community Member

Setting temporary passwords when running a batch import.

Edit your import csv file in Microsoft Excel and remove the columns that contain these 2 headings WFPasswordLastChanged VUPasswordLastChanged, and the information that applies to those headings for the users. If you want to create the temporary passwords then setup a test user in Meeting Time then run a Raw Data Export. Note: Make sure you set a User and Profile password. Open the csv file that was created by the Export and copy the encrypted passwords. open your production import csv and paste the new passwords under the EncryptedUserPWD EncryptedProfilePWD for all users if your using the generic passwords for all users. Now import the new file. Once the user logins into both the audio conference and the web conference then they will use the temporary passwords. After entering the new passwords the system will automatically prompt them to change the 2 passwords due to not specifying a last password change date.

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