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CoBrowse not working on android devices with API level 23 or above

Level 4
Level 4

We've installed REAS and REMB in our lab.

We're using expert_assist_android_SDK-

We are working on re mobile android sdk integration, now we are facing issue when using co browse feature with android devices with API level 23(marshmallow) or above. The feature is working fine on api level 22(lolipop 5.1). But when i tried it on marshmallow devices, it only showed a vertical line.

Any idea how to fix it? thx in advance.

21 Replies 21

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Edwin.

Could you screenshot the issue for us to take a look at?

There are a couple of patches that were released after expert_assist_android_SDK- . Can you confirm if you've applied these to your environment. There were numerous fixes in the patches.


Rach D

Hi Rach,

Thank you for your response.

We've applied those patches, but maybe I feel like that the real problem is i don't call the method for co browse in android the correct way. The co browse section only shows vertical line like the pictrure below.


Can you help me about how to implement co browse in android?

I already did everything from from the guide here:

Cisco DevNet: Remote Expert Mobile - Developer Tutorials


Hi Edwin.

Thank you for your reply, and for providing the screenshot, it's very helpful for us to get a better understanding.

So to confirm This very same app is behaving as expected on API levels under 22 but as of level 23+ this issue occurs?

In that case can you just confirm for us if the sample application is behaving as expected on the 23+ API levels?

You can obtain the sample for free from the playstore here: Remote Expert Mobile Cobrowse - Android Apps on Google Play

Could you also confirm if you are using physical devices or if you are using a simulator? Also if you are developing in AndroidStudio or some other application?


Rach D

Hi Rach.

Thank you for your reply,

No, Sorry I misjudged the problem before. The problem is not the API 23+.

Can you provide guide how to implement this feature, because the developer guide on the website itself doesn't show anything Cisco DevNet: Remote Expert Mobile - Developer Tutorials. So, I thought it will work automatically.


Edwin R

Hi Edwin. 

That's no problem, it's good to know it's not version effecting at any rate. I assume the sample I sent over in the link is behaving as expected for you?

The screen share should work out of the box as it is part of the SDK. Can you confirm if you have made any modifications from the developer documents? 

Also if you could confirm what device you have your 'agent' on and if it is the same you used to test the sample application.



Hi Rach,

Yes, It's working as expected.

I followed the guide thoroughly step by step but it still doesnt work.

The device that I used for the sample app and my app is the same, it's Lenovo Vibe s1

It seems like that something is missing from the guide. Can you give me a step by step guide to implement co browse.



Hi Edwin.

Glad to hear the sample is working as expected.

I'm not sure why your application is not behaving as expected in that case.  There is no step by step for implementing co-browse, you have already done what is meant to be necessary.

I assume you are using something like 'Android Studio' to make your application? Could you share with us the logs from the device when you build too it? Perhaps we can spot something for you there.

Alternatively if you'd like to share your project with us we will be happy to take a look at that too.

If you need an upload link then please let us know and I can generate one for you.


Rach D

Hi Rach,

Yes, I made the app in Android Studio.

Here's the project where i try to use the cobrowse feature.



Hi Edwin.

Thank you for sharing your application, I'm having some trouble building to my device. Mashmallow (android 6, API 23) tells me it has the wrong architecture. Although when I run it against my Nougat (Android 7, API 24) it repeatedly says the app has closed and never runs. There not much in my logs for this so could you perform the test at your end, get into a co-browse and share me your 'Run' Logs and 'Messages' from Android studio please? 

You can upload them to the last link that is fine.



Hi Rach,

Sorry for the late response, I was on vacation.

Now I'm using restricted mode and cant even make a call.

I can get the sessionID already and put it on builder like this : builder.setSessionToken(sessionID)

But when I make the call, it loads forever.

Do you have any idea? Thx.



Hi Edwin.

Sorry to pry but if you could get the logs over to us it would be much easier to diagnose why the call is not setting up.

Is there any error message when it fails?


Rach D

Hi Rach,

It doesnt fail but it loads forever and spam these inside the logcat:

23027-23027/com.example.edwinramana.rem1 I/SurfaceView: updateWindow -- OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true, this ={c086e1b V.E...... ........ 0,0-468,351}



So does the call ever connect?

Could you also elaborate on what you meant by: Now I'm using restricted mode and cant even make a call.

That is a strange error. Could you upload the whole log please? If you need a secure upload I can provide you a link if you'd rather it not be public.


Rach D

The call could connect before.

What I meant with restricted mode is this…

The web version is working fine but the android version is not.

The whole log is spammed by that line, this is the full logcat qwe.txt - Google Drive

