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WebEx - securing meeting url

Level 1
Level 1

Dear WebEx Community,

I am facing issues in securing my meeting URL when accessed through the API. Because, when redirecting to the meeting user is able to copy the url and pass into to others. Still, others are able to enter the meeting with the meeting url.

The option of enabling "Attendees to have an account with the WebEx site" was proposed. However though we were partially successful in this, attendees are unable to join a meeting using mobile client when this option is enabled. That is, the browser does not pass credentials of users (Attendee only accounts) to the app and it asks to sign in. Users are unable to sign in to mobile devices manually as the feature is not supported for WebEx. So, we are unable to propose this as a solution to our client.

We need a solution where users are unable to pass meeting urls copied from the browsers and the meetings should be accessible both from the desktop and the mobile devices. Please help us on this as this is very urgent.

3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

Dear nmorrow, Please be kind enough to propose a solution from the WebEx side.


     Mobile client does not support passing login credentials from outside the application. I am unaware of the capabilities on the mobile app as it relates to attendee account login, as my focus is on the meeting service APIs. If the mobile app does not support attendee accounts, you can make a feature request through your WebEx account manager or technical support to add this functionality. Alternate solution would be to design your own join portal that requires attendee login, and provides a join button that uses HTTPS POST so that the URL variables are hidden in the header instead of the URL itself, making it harder to share the join link.

Dirk-Jan Uittenbogaard
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Lushanthan,

Looking at the original problem, just a thought:
what if you "exclude meeting password from invitation"?

Anyone could get the meeting URL, but without the password they would not be able to join. The password could be distributed in another way (maybe just before the meeting starts?)