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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 9.53.37 PM.pngCisco is a founding member, leading contributor, and passionate supporter of the OpenDaylight open source project. OpenDaylight is an open source platform for building programmable, software-defined networks. Back in April 2013, Cisco made headlines and jump started the project by contributing its ONE Controller. Even more important is the ongoing involvement and support by Cisco contributors at all levels of the project, e.g. on the Board of Directors, members of the Technical Steering Committee, project leads, code contributors, code reviewers, and organizers of boot camps and hackathons.

The latest evidence of Cisco’s commitment to OpenDaylight is the newly launched OpenDaylight microsite on DevNet. The microsite exists to help developers like you quickly and easily grasp what OpenDaylight is all about, Cisco’s role in the OpenDaylight community, and Cisco products and platforms that help you build your own applications and solutions on top of OpenDaylight.

Here are some examples of what you will find on the microsite:

  • learning labs that walk you through an introduction to OpenDaylight
  • recordings of talks on various topics related to OpenDaylight  given by Cisco experts at recent conferences
  • sample application and source code that illustration what you can do with OpenDaylight and how to use its programmatic interfaces
  • sandbox environments in which you can experiment with OpenDaylight on your own
  • a community of enthusiastic experts with whom you can discuss ideas and get answers to your burning questions about Cisco’s contributions to and use of OpenDaylight

Better still, we encourage you to come see us in the DevNet Zone at CiscoLive Berlin, February 15-19, where we have a full lineup of OpenDaylight related content, including the following sessions:

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  • Using BGP, PCE-P and BMP with the OpenDaylight [DevNet-1251]
  • OpenDaylight: 2 Workload Orchestrators, One Policy [DevNet-1250]
  • Introduction to YANG Data Models and Their Use in OpenDaylight [DevNet-1083]
  • OpenStack and OpenDaylight, the Evolving Relationship in Cloud Networking [DevNet-1105]
  • SDN WAN Apps Developments [DevNet-1090]
  • DevNet Workshop: Open SDN Controller [DevNet-1676]
  • Service Chaining Verification [DevNet-1084]

You can also count on hands on demos in the DevNet Zone that showcase OpenDaylight solutions and give you access to OpenDaylight experts on site.

Register today! Multiple registration options are available. The Explorer Pass gives you access to the DevNet Zone the entire week.

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