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Created by: Michael Kail on 14-02-2013 07:34:22 AM
Hi everybody,

i am having a problem with AXL version 9.0 and CUCM 9.0 when updating the route partitions of a calling search space. Adding partitions with addMembers works fine but removing partitions with removeMember does not update sortorder in the database table CallingSearchSpaceMember.
Has anybody the same experiences/problems?
Just to be sure, when using removeMembers you do only add the name and the index of the route partition you want to remove?

After all, the tag field members, which worked the last AXL Version doesn't work anymore :-(

Thanks for your help!

Subject: RE: CSS removeMember in AXL for CUCM 9.0 doesn't work correct?
Replied by: David Staudt on 14-02-2013 05:32:05 PM
I can confirm the behaviour.  Also it appears if you remove a member in the UCM admin the sort order numbers get re-ordered, so there is variance there.

Theoretically, the (functional) order of the members is still correct, there's just a 'hole' in the series.  Does the possibility of a 'missing' sort order value cause a problem in  your app that you can't work around?

Can you clarify your last comment re 'tag field members' not working..?

Subject: RE: CSS removeMember in AXL for CUCM 9.0 doesn't work correct?
Replied by: Michael Kail on 18-02-2013 03:18:43 AM
Theoretically it works. Until you want to delete another partition or add a new partition. As the series has a hole you have to check what holes are there to find the correct index for adding or removing a partition. 
There is also another question: How can you change the order of the partitions? In former version there was the "member" tag (which is now replaced by removeMemebers and addMembers). But know you have to change the series with direct sql updates or delete and add requests.

Subject: RE: CSS removeMember in AXL for CUCM 9.0 doesn't work correct?
Replied by: David Staudt on 18-02-2013 10:38:43 AM
If you need to do more than add or remove a single route partition you can still use <members> - this works for me on my 9.0 UCM:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
      <ns:updateCss sequence="1">
Level 1
Level 1

Was there ever a solution found for this one?  I'm seeing the same treatment when using removeMember, the member is deleted but the API doesn't adjust the index of members downstream of the removed.  Can confirm if you hit save on the CSS in CUCM it is recalculated, just doesn't seem to be being adjusted from the API.  I've tried sending blank updateCSS request to try and force the index or replicate the 'Save' GUI function but haven't had success.

Level 1
Level 1

After thinking about this a little more @dstaudt did provide a solution.  Understanding that updateCss/removeMembers doesn't recalculate the index, we can use getCss first to collect the existing members list.  Now that we have the CSS partition listuse your programming language of choice to remove the partition(s) and iterate back over that list to re-index the order.  Then use updateCSS/members to feed the whole partition list back to the API.  It's kind of the long way instead of just deleting a specific partition from a CSS but I can see some benefits doing it this way if you wanted to sort, change order etc.  I was already using getCss to find the index to match the name to be deleted anyway so resubmitting the members list wasn't too far off.  Thanks again for posting your findings so many years ago, still valuable info today.

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