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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: David Mulveney on 06-03-2013 03:29:20 PM
I am using perl to create some phone services.  I have created one that will go out to the web to get an image and convert it to the CIP format to be displayed on a phone.  This part is working correctly.  I would like to have the service refresh every few minutes so the image stays up to date.  Here is the code I am using to create the header:
my $q = CGI->new;
print $q->header(-type=>'text/xml',-Refresh=>'10');
When testing in a web browser this makes the page refresh every 10 seconds as expected, but on the 7961 I am using to test it does not refresh.  Is there something I am missing about creating the header for something like this?

Subject: RE: Image not refreshing
Replied by: David Staudt on 06-03-2013 03:40:09 PM
A known issue with some phone models requires that the URL in the Refresh header be specified, e.g.:
Refresh: 0;url=

Subject: RE: Image not refreshing
Replied by: David Mulveney on 07-03-2013 09:23:36 AM
I added a -url with the exact URL that needs to be refreshed, but the phone was not able to auto-refresh.  Is there something wrong with the way I am constructing the header?

Subject: RE: Image not refreshing
Replied by: David Staudt on 07-03-2013 09:43:21 AM
Can you grab a network packet capture (e.g. via Wireshark) of the traffic and inspect the actual HTTP header? 

Subject: RE: Image not refreshing
Replied by: David Mulveney on 07-03-2013 03:13:19 PM
I grabbed a capture of traffic going to the phone as well as my laptop.  In the capture for the phone I was able to see the url and refresh settings for the other page that is working, but the new page I am trying to create did not have either setting.
However, in the capture for my laptop the same page had the url and refresh settings in the http header.  It seems for some reason when my page is being sent to the phone those settings are being stripped out or lost.
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