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piyush aghera

Microsoft had announced and started stopping support for basic authentication, which is the default way for ECE to connect with Office 365 email inbox.  Since Microsoft's announcement to stop basic authentication and move to OAuth 2.0, Cisco has released ES patches to enable OAuth 2.0 with ECE 11.6, whereas ECE12.0 and above comes with this functionality by default.  Cisco has also released configuration documents, which are very descriptive and helpful, but still misses integration part with Microsoft.  Personally I spent almost 3 months, engaging with Cisco TAC and Microsoft support teams to finally come to a working OAuth2.0 configuration with Cisco ECE 11.6 and Office365 and learned a lot in the process.  I had to improvise at multiple places to make it work with Office 365 and also came across a new bug in ECE 11.6(1) ES12 patch, which Cisco were able to fix quickly.

As this is a new configuration, I have created a step-by-step guide to describe how to enable and configure OAuth 2.0 with Cisco ECE, which includes:

  • Install necessary ES patches on ECE 11.6(1)
  • Register Azure application
  • Create Service Account in AD to manage all email aliases from single account
  • Configuration steps within ECE
  • Some personnel experiences which are not documented anywhere!!!

If you are stuck on any of these steps or want to increase your knowledge for your next big interview, please have a look at this guide on my blog:

Please let me know if you find this guide helpful or if you have any specific question that I may answer.

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