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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: Jin Tiam Loh on 09-11-2009 09:15:05 AM
Hi All,
I've been reading a few articles / course outline where some form of programming background is required prior to taking the course. Anyone able to elaborate to what extend the programming background is required as in any specific language, etc?
Also, I was told that in Call Studio we are able to create additional components/objects using Java (outside from Call Studio). To what extend CVP scripts can be enhanced by incorporating Java objects?

Subject: RE: Prerequisite for CVP development course
Replied by: Janine Graves on 09-11-2009 01:56:05 PM
Hi JT,
You don't need any programming background at all for the CVP Developer class as Studio is a graphical programming tool.
During the class the instructor will explain everything needed to work with Studio, including understanding the call flow between the VxmlGateway, Vxml Server, ASR/TTS Servers,ICM, etc. You will also learn about VXML properties and timers that affect the application and how to set them; how to handle VXML exceptions that occur occasionally; how to catch unrecoverable exceptions (Error element) and pass data back to ICM to handle them, etc.
The last day or so of the class demonstrates how to extend the Studio tool using Java components and how the application developer can implement, use, update, maintain such Java components. It doesn't require any knowledge of Java for that part of the course as we use pre-written code that I've written for this purpose. If you know some Java, then you can try modifying these Java demo components. If you don't know Java, then you can just work with the pre-written code.
In reality, you will probably want someone on staff who knows some Java so they can create extra Java components and new elements for Studio to extend its functionality and make it a very usable tool. Things like creating elements to grab Substrings, Search&Replace, StringLength, DateValidation - all these things are easy in Java, but don't come with Studio out-of-the-box (O O B ).
If you have any further questions regarding training, please feel free to contact me here or directly at
Regards, Janine Graves
Level 1
Level 1

The Cisco speech Portal, or CVP, is a platform for creating and implementing self-service speech applications. For constructing interactive voice response (IVR) applications, it largely employs a scripting language known as CVP Call Studio Scripting Language. While CVP scripts are primarily produced in this scripting language, Java objects are also supported to some extent for additional functionality.

Here are a few examples of how Java objects can be used to improve CVP scripts:

Functionality Expansion:

Java objects can be used to extend the capability of CVP scripts by adding capabilities that aren't directly available in the CVP scripting language.
Java Classes That Are Unique:

You can write custom Java classes that encapsulate certain functionality and then instantiate and use these classes' objects within your code.

This allows you to take advantage of Java's power and flexibility.
External System Integration:

CVP applications can be integrated with external systems and services using Java objects. This is especially helpful when doing sophisticated processes or interacting with databases, online services, or other enterprise systems.
Performance Enhancement:

Java is frequently used for mission-critical operations. You can improve efficiency by adding Java objects into your CVP scripts, especially when dealing with computationally heavy activities.
Java library re-use:

CVP scripts can use existing Java libraries, allowing you to leverage pre-built solutions and benefit from the wide Java ecosystem.
Dynamic Data Handling:

Java objects can be useful when dealing with dynamic data structures. 

Complex data processing operations that may be difficult to do with only the CVP scripting language.
Multithreading and concurrency:

Java's multithreading features can be used to efficiently handle concurrent operations. This is useful in situations where numerous jobs must be completed at the same time.
While integrating Java objects can improve the capabilities of CVP scripts, it also increases complications in terms of security, stability, and maintenance. It is critical to verify that the integration is done safely and that suitable error handling is in place.

The particular implementation specifics would be determined by your CVP application's requirements and the Java objects or classes you wish to integrate. Always refer to the version's official Cisco documentation and guidelines.

Hope you got some out of the above content. If you have more details click our training of React Native using Java script.


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