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Dyanmic Call Studio Element Name for CVP Reporting Server

Gerry O'Rourke

Anyone know if its possible to dyanmic change the element Name of a CVP Call Studio Element?

e.g. the CVP reporting server can report counts and exit states of the application and elements.

(you can filter so you only report on certain applications and elements - to reduce the data collected).


We use a simple CVP Call Studio Element for many different scripts and I would like to be able to use this script but use the inbuilt CVP reporting capablity to report what users selected - but I need a different name of the element depending on the use case.


We already pass in the menu prompts and if we could pass in an additional variable to be used as part of the call studio element name - this woudl then appear in the CVP Reporting Database.


e.g. the element is a standard Menu Element.


If I could pass the session variable from ICM into CVP VXML - Call Studio App and then within the app use this variable as a prefix (or suffix) the Element Name.



ICM Script: application=myCVPapp;wav=salesmenu.wav;element-suffix=Sales

CVP Call Studio element : Menu_Sales


ICM Script: application=myCVPapp;wav=claimsmenu.wav;element-suffix=Claims

CVP Call Studio element : Menu_Claims


I know I could achieve this by other methods - but it would be much more intensive on the database, as I would have to link to each call.






4 Replies 4


Not sure if it helps in your situation, but the way Cisco wants you to do this is with Flags.
Before a repeated element that you want to log, add a Flag element with the name/description of what's happening. They don't change the function, a Flag is only for logging.

Thanks Quigath. I looked at flags already and they have the same problem.


The issues with flags is they are logged in the reporting server based using the element NAME of the flag.


They get added to the vxmlelementflag table as well as the application summary tables (if filters allow them) - this bit is fine!


But since the flag name is not configurable dynamically

If they are (or any element is) it would certainly great - please tell me how - i.e. this is what the post is trying to find out!


What we are trying to acheive:

If at all possible you want to use the summary tables for reporting purposes - much more efficient.

The ApplicationSummary Tables report on what I want and need to report, but only if I could create a dynamic element name.


The current CVP Reporting design using Static Call Studio element names seems OK for standalone self service application. But if you want to reuse VXML applications for many different types of call flows and you want to be able to reporting differently depending on the differnet call flows (Sales, Claims, Support etc.) and you need to be able to log things a more dynamically (which currently seems that this is not possible).


A feature enhancement to be able to change the "reporting element name" that is sent to the Reporting Database would be ideal - and I believe is very much needed.


Even if this was just for the Flag element it would do the trick and we could use flag is a manner that was truly useful.



The only other thing I'd suggest is to look at the ElementAPI and ComponentAPI classes for custom elements.
There, you can make a call like


which will return the element name, which I don't think is what you're looking for.
I'm pretty sure the logging happens before any custom element code could be called, but maybe there's a way to change the logged/name values of other elements, dynamically, before they get hit in the callflow.

Thanks for your input Quidath.

The API will not work for this issue.

You can retrieve the name, but you cannot change the name.


I believe this requires a feature enhancement on CVP Call Studio and CVP VXML server.

below outlines output from the CVP reporting database and a enhanced call studio element (if only feature enhancements could be done using Microsoft Paint - like my screen shot below!).


High level - the enhancement would allow you to change the element name (highlighted in GREEN below) as it is logged in the Reporting Database and hence it could be dynamic. If this was too difficult - maybe this could be done just for the flag element?



