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How to use VEvent and VAction classes in Custom Voice Elements

Level 4
Level 4

Hi Experts,

                I'm unable to to handle NoInput and NoMatch events using VFC. I'm getting undefined for both events when VField throws noinput or nomatch . I'm having hard time with this. Can any one explains me how these two classes are working, I read java doc for VAction and VEvent classes but I'm not quite sure about these classes.

2 Replies 2

Level 5
Level 5

Could you share an example of your code?

Are you performing something like this...

VAction exit = VAction.getNew(pref, VAction.EXIT );

thanks ewindgat,

           I'm throwing  a nomatch like below.

// this action sets the menu field to undefined and throws a no match.

  VAction throwNomatch = VAction.getNew(pref, VAction.ASSIGN, vFName, "maxError", VAction.WITHOUT_QUOTES);

  throwNomatch.add(VAction.THROW, VAction.NOMATCH); . But vFName will always override with value "undefined".

handling nomatch event

NoMatchPrompt nomatch = new NoMatchPrompt(ved, NoMatchAudioGroup,"max_nomatch_count", getSubmitURL(), 1);


Now I'm able to catch NoMatch/NoInput event by using reqParameter off HashTable which is supplied as method parameter for addXmlBody(*****). I'm getting a string value "Yes" If an noMatch/NoInput occures. the below is the sample code I'm using now.

String NoMatch = (String)reqParameters.get( "maxNoMatch" );

        String NoInput = (String)reqParameters.get( "maxNoInput" );

         boolean isErrorCondition = false;

         if( NoMatch != null ){

          logger.debug("[processMenu] NoMatch condition");

          if( ((String)NoMatch).equals("yes") )


          //It's a nomatch


         } else if ( NoInput != null ) {

          logger.debug("[processMenu] NoInput condition");

          if( ((String)NoInput).equals("yes") )


         it's a noinput



thank you