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IP-IVR database tables such as "Prompt" ?

Level 1
Level 1

Are there database tables within IP-IVR that can be hit via an external SQL query that would provide data about such things as prompts, applications and scripts available on that box and if so where? The CRS Database tables and fields document does not appear to be what I am looking for, and was hoping to find something similiar to what is available for the ICM in relationship to things like what is in the AWDB.

3 Replies 3

Level 5
Level 5

To make prompts available to Cisco script applications, you must add them to the subdirectory in which prompts are stored.

Note Before you add a new prompt, you must create a folder to contain the .wav source files.

To add a prompt, complete the following steps.

Step 1 From the CRA Administration menu bar, choose Tools > Prompt Management.

The Prompt Management web page opens.

Step 2 From the Language Directory drop-down menu, choose the specific language and directory to which the prompt should be uploaded.

Step 3 To add a new prompt, click the Add a new prompt hyperlink. The Prompt Upload window opens.

Step 4 In the Source File Name field, click Browse. The Choose File dialog box opens.

Step 5 Navigate to the source .wav file folder, and then double-click the .wav file. The name of the file appears in the Source File Name field.

Step 6 Click in the Destination File Name field to confirm your selection.

Step 7 Click Upload to upload the .wav file. The Upload Success window opens.

Step 8 Click the Return to Prompt Management hyperlink.

The Prompt Management web page refreshes and the new prompt file is displayed.

I have over 600 prompts to be updated. Is there a tool that can handle this?

Hey Deborah,

You can download multiple prompts in a zip file. Just click on "Upload Zip Files" on the prompt management page in crs admin. Note there is a 20MB size limit per file.