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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: John Dove on 18-03-2013 10:12:29 AM
I would like to generate a monthly script that compares the firmware of UCS Manager to the firmware of the blades.
I'm versed in powershell but can't seem to find documentation on the correct commands. Could someone point me to the commands for each?

I can look at the properties from there if someone can just list the commands here.



Subject: RE: Getting UCS Manager and Blade Firmware Versions
Replied by: Bill Fairchild on 18-03-2013 11:00:36 AM
If you use firmware policies for everything try "get-ucsserviceprofile | Select Name, HostFwPolicyName" to get the blade installed firmware
The quick and dirty Get-UCSFirmwareRunning will show everything by chassis/slot location and the FIs.

Subject: RE: Getting UCS Manager and Blade Firmware Versions
Replied by: John Dove on 18-03-2013 01:57:39 PM
I believe the Get-UCSFirmwareRunning did the trick.

Thanks for the prompt response.
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