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Actions are record manipulations invoked by you. They differ from editing properties as typically an action also invokes a transaction (e.g. a action request to approve a document).

Most actions are disabled for a Cisco Customer or Partner, unless you are listed as owner or author of a document. In such case, additional actions such as submit a document for approval, check-out a document, ... will appear.

Some actions might also invoke a dialogue where the values provided define how an action is executed.

This article explains how to invoke the actions and where they are located. The actual explanation of the separate actions are explained further in the advanced section of this user guide.

The actions available for a record do appear in the right-hand Action pane, after you select or highlight a single record in the table-grid. You can show the available actions for a single record by either a single click on a line. This will open up the properties pane and at the same time list the available actions in the Action pane. Alternatively you can check the check-box at the left side of a particular record line.

The available actions for a particular record will differ per following criteria :

  • the status of the selected record, e.g. a document can only be submitted for approval if in 'draft' status
  • your relation to selected record, e.g. only the author or owner of a document can unlock a document

Actions are represented by icons. A mouse-over shows the action written out.

Action pane v2.png

If a particular action requires a dialogue, the dialogue pane will slide in similar as the properties pane. When the dialogue is completed, a confirmation of the action will be required, typically by clicking a button, e.g. 'Submit for approval'.
Validation errors will be provided if invalid values are provided or if mandatory values are missing.

Actions that are completed will provide a success message to confirm that the action was executed successfully. Some actions will also have a 'Undo' link in the success message if the nature of the action requires so, e.g. when deleting a document.

Related articles :

Document Access Definition

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