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Level 4
Level 4

There’s a new kind of developer meetup in Seattle and San Francisco! I’d like to introduce you to APIs and IPAs, a meetup for software developers and technology professionals that want to know more about APIs, while enjoying some IPAs. APIs and IPAs will have talks and tastings of both technology and beer, usually on the same night.


You can find these chapters in Seattle, San Francisco, and Orlando and soon to be expanding to other major cities.

Although we did not originally come up with the name (there’s a few very small meetups with the same name), we had no idea it was a thing before we thought of the name. How awesome is the name though, right?

APIs and IPAs has incorporated as a non-profit with the official parent name of API CITY. We plan on having our first API Conference in Seattle, WA sometime early 2018. (Details still being worked out).

Looking to learn about high level information on APIs? Check out the upcoming events:

July 20th, 2017 - Seattle

TBA - San Francisco

TBA - Orlando

FYI, APIs and IPAs has no affiliation with Cisco as it is hosted by various employees and non employees. Cisco is only a sponsor of the event. If you are interested in sponsoring the meetup or the 2018 conference, please DM Tessa Mero on Twitter.

PS - Thanks to our current sponsors: Cisco Spark and Amazon Alexa.

Check out the images below of the event. Hope to see you at the next meetup!



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