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Paul Zimmerman
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hey all, the Cisco Developer Community Engagement team has been recognizing Developer of the Month Spotlight community members since 2019. Those of you who stand out as Developers of the Month were selected using your activity and contributions on the Cisco Developer Community forums. First, there are a few things that might disqualify you:

  • The winner cannot work for Cisco as either a regular or contract employee
  • The winner cannot be a Cisco community VIP
  • The winner cannot have received another Developer of the Month Spotlight award in the same calendar year (although you can win a different Spotlight and still get the Developer win!)

The team selects the winner by reviewing the following criteria from a calendar month:

  • The quantity and quality of helpful replies to posts that answer community questions. A winning poster would not be the person asking questions, but the one who answers.
  • Number of kudos received
  • Number of solutions accepted
  • Any distinguishing posts that show that the poster is highly knowledgeable or has specific insights into a developer issue
  • Exemplifying the conduct described in the Community Guidelines

We also look to see if you act as an influencer to the greater Cisco developer community outside of the forums, like if you maintain a blog or website that is helpful for developers.

What is the benefit of being a Developer of the Month Spotlight winner?

The main benefit of being the Spotlight winner is that you get additional visibility in the community, including a badge and social recognition. However, it is also a stepping stone to higher recognition in the Cisco Community, such as the Cisco Designated VIP. Additionally, the Cisco DevRel team is planning some exciting updates to our developer recognition programs, where community activity will be a component of the criteria.

Thanks for being part of the Cisco developer community, and I look forward to collaborating with you!

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