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Orf Gelbrich
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Task NameDelete SR's via date or SR ID


Tested on 5.4

ComponentsvSphere 5.x
User Inputs

Instructions for Regular Workflow Use:

  1. Download the attached .ZIP file below to your computer. *Remember the location of the saved file on your computer.
  2. Unzip the file on your computer. Should end up with a .WFD file.
  3. Log in to UCS Director as a user that has "system-admin" privileges.
  4. Navigate to "Policies-->Orchestration" and click on "Import".
  5. Click "Browse" and navigate to the location on your computer where the .WFD file resides. Choose the .WFD file and click "Open".
  6. Click "Upload" and then "OK" once the file upload is completed. Then click "Next".
  7. Click the "Select" button next to "Import Workflows". Click the "Check All" button to check all checkboxes and then the "Select" button.
  8. Click "Submit".
  9. A new folder should appear in "Policies-->Orchestration" that contains the imported workflow. You will now need to update the included tasks with information about the specific environment.

A thank you goes out to Tejeswar Sahu!

From time to time it can happen the a Single SR record can accumulate a lot of DB table entries. This is usually the result of an errant java script loop in a custom task (Like in my case).  This manifests that the 100 GB UCSD appliance disk is starting to fill up and at some point a DB backup is not possible any more.  The problem of deleting many DB rows is that till a DB commit happens the DB keep a temp roll back section of the items to be deleted.  Since the disk is already full this will then fail.

I have several examples in this write up on how to handle this situation:

     1) Truncate

               This the most radical case where as in my case I do not care about older SR records and want to roll nothing back from previous SR records. This is also very fast!

     2) Limit

               Delete via script a few 100,000 records at a time and force a DB commit.  Takes some time but you can delete just a single SR record with its millions of associated rows.

     3) Workflow Task (attached)

               The workflow task is a pre cursor to a GUI button that will come in UCSD version 5.5 or later.  This workflow task is good for the deletion of a SR that does not suffer from millions of rows and possibly can not succeed due to UCSD appliance disk space issues.

The idea is to assess in your environment what is best to remedy the situation.  In a production system one may not want to truncate due to the fact you can not roll any workflow back anymore and hence want to use the more surgical approach and remove the SR in trouble. As for everything it is highly recommended to clone a system and determine the best procedure for the environment.


Limit with script:

     The Zip File Top Service Request Log has the following content in aiding to find the larges SR ID with the most table rows: :

          Identify service requests having large number of SR logs. :

          Delete the SR logs for the given SR. Number of records deleted and committed can be controlled by setting the ‘limit’ variable value in the script. By default the script deletes 100K records at time, commit it, sleep 1 seconds between each delete operation.

     The run of these two scripts looks like this:

          In my case I ended up with a single SR ID that had 400 Million rows in the DB (Yes bad java script coding on my part!):

[root@localhost tmp]# ./

Querying db for number of records in SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG table

........................................................................................................................................................... done

Querying db for top 20 SR LOG

........................................................................................................................................ done



[root@localhost tmp]# cat /tmp/TopServiceRequestLog.log

[Fri May 20 09:45:52 CDT 2016] Querying db for number of records in SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG table



[Fri May 20 09:51:03 CDT 2016] Querying db for top 20 SR LOG

count(*) SRID

441219679 5959

7408 6066

2576 6350

2576 6351

2574 6349

1199 6581

1199 6613

1199 6645

1199 6677

1199 6592

1199 6624

1199 6656

1199 6688

1199 6603

1199 6635

1199 6667

1199 6582

1199 6614

1199 6646

1199 6678

[Fri May 20 09:55:35 CDT 2016] DONE

[root@localhost tmp]# chmod +x

[root@localhost tmp]# ./

Enter SR ID: 5959

Enter number of SR logs: 441219679

Deleting service request log from SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG table for SR


The workflow tasks do not limit the delete and can fill up the file system.  You will have to determine the right procedure in your situation. In my case I had very little DB space left and had to use the script version.

Here is the script to find the largest consumers:




#rm -rf $LOG_FILE

log_msg () {

        printf "$1"

        printf "[`date`] $1" >> $LOG_FILE


printProgressPID() {


        while kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null; do

                printf "."

                sleep 2


        printf " done\n"


log_msg "Querying db for number of records in SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG table\n"

nohup mysql -u root -pcloupia -A db_private_admin -e "select count(*) from SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 &


printProgressPID $PID

log_msg "Querying db for top $topN SR LOG\n"

nohup mysql -u root -pcloupia -A db_private_admin -e "select count(*), SRID from SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG group by SRID order by count(*) desc limit $topN" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 &


printProgressPID $PID

log_msg "DONE\n"


Here is the delete script to delete the largest consumer:


printf "Enter SR ID: "

read SRID

printf "Enter number of SR logs: "

read NumOfSrLogs


printf "Deleting service request log from SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG table for SR $SR_ID\n"


while [ $toBeDeleted -gt 0 ]; do

        mysql -u root -pcloupia -A db_private_admin -e "DELETE FROM SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG WHERE SRID=$SRID ORDER BY SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG_ID limit $limit"

        sleep 1

        printf "."

        let toBeDeleted-=$limit


printf " done\n"

Here are other tables that will also have to be taken into consideration in the delete process (above scrip needs to mod'ed):

DELETE FROM db_private_admin.SERVICE_REQUEST where requestid = 1;

DELETE FROM db_private_admin.SERVICE_REQUEST_ASSET_CHANGE where requestid = 1;

DELETE FROM db_private_admin.WF_INPUT_VALUE where inputsetid = 1;

DELETE FROM db_private_admin.SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG where srId = 1;

DELETE FROM db_private_admin.WORKFLOW_DETAILS where requestId = 1;

DELETE FROM db_private_admin.WORKFLOWSTEP_DETAILS where requestid = 1;


This should all be done on a cloned version of your UCSD install!

Truncate by hand

Checking problem Table


ls -ltrh /var/lib/mysql/data/db_private_admin/SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG.ibd

  56G /var/lib/mysql/data/db_private_admin/SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG.ibd

Stopping UCSD application



Logging into the DB


  mysql -u admin --password=cloupia  db_private_admin -A

Looking at the table in question


  mysql> describe  SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG;


  | Field                  | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


  | SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG_ID | bigint(20)    | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |

  | MESSAGE                | varchar(4096) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

  | SEVERITY               | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

  | SRID                   | int(11)       | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |

  | TIMESTAMP              | bigint(20)    | NO   |     | NULL    |       |


  5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

truncate table SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG (see below for limit statement);


  mysql> truncate table SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG;

  Query OK, 0 rows affected (2 min 52.45 sec)


  mysql> select count(*) from SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG;


  | count(*) |


  |        0 |


  1 row in set (0.00 sec)





If the truncate is to radical then the following procedure can be used:

Single limit delete:

mysql -u admin --password=cloupia  db_private_admin -A -e "DELETE FROM db_private_admin.SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG where srId = 5959 LIMIT 1000000"

Limit delete with loop (10x100000):

for i in `seq 1 10`; do

mysql -u admin --password=cloupia  db_private_admin -A -e "DELETE FROM db_private_admin.SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG where srId = 5959 LIMIT 1000000"


Limit delete with loop(804x100000):

for i in `seq 1 804`; do 

mysql -u admin --password=cloupia  db_private_admin -A -e "DELETE FROM db_private_admin.SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG where srId = 5959 LIMIT 1000000"


In order to make the DB faster after the mass delete:

Optimize DB


  cd /tmp/DbOptimize


Checking Table Extents


  cd /var/lib/mysql/data/db_private_admin

  filefrag *.ibd | awk '{print $1$2}' | sed 's/.ibd:/,/' | sort -nr --field-separator=',' -k2 | awk -F, '{print $2}' | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'


DB optimize


  mysqlcheck -u root -p --auto-repair --optimize --all-databases

Checking Table Extents again


  cd /var/lib/mysql/data/db_private_admin

  filefrag *.ibd | awk '{print $1$2}' | sed 's/.ibd:/,/' | sort -nr --field-separator=',' -k2 | awk -F, '{print $2}' | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'


Checking Problem Tabel


  ls -ltrh /var/lib/mysql/data/db_private_admin/SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG.ibd

  112K Feb  8 13:50 /var/lib/mysql/data/db_private_admin/SERVICE_REQUEST_LOG.ibd

Checking disk space on UCSD system


  df -h

  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

  /dev/sda3        97G   21G   71G  23% /

  /dev/sda1       194M   35M  149M  19% /boot

  tmpfs           5.9G     0  5.9G   0% /dev/shm

  71 GB OPEN !!!

Start the UCSD application



Eric Thirolle
Community Member


This is awesome! It happens from time to time that a single SR adds millions of records to the SR Log History table, and we need to take manual steps to clear those records. Those shell scripts should make our lives much easier.

I had a couple of thoughts/questions to make this article more clear to me...

Your article above has two sections:

  • top section where you discuss usage of these two new shell scripts to delete all history records for a given SR
  • bottom section which is an older procedure by which you can truncate (i.e., empty all records) from the SR log history table

Two requests:

  1. can you discuss the custom workflows you attached to this article? Do these do the same job as the shell scripts?
  2. can you divide (or put section headers in) the above article to make it clear that the bottom half is a separate procedure?



Orf Gelbrich
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I added more info.  Take a look. thx

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