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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Valued Business Partners and Suppliers:

Responsible sourcing and sustainable practices are fundamental to Cisco’s DNA and an integral part of how we conduct our business every day. Cisco has adopted the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct as our own, and is a full member of the RBA. As part of Cisco’s commitment to responsible and sustainable manufacturing, our suppliers and partners are required to complete the following actions:

1.   Annual Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) Refresh:

  • Please log into your RBA Online account to refresh both your 2019 Corporate-level SAQ and Facility–level SAQ for each factory in direct support for Cisco by Jul 27th.

2.   VAP Audit Sharing: 

  • Cisco suppliers are required to provide a valid RBA audit report to Cisco via RBA-Online upon request. The valid RBA audit report should meet the criteria below:
    • The RBA audit should be conducted within last 2 years from the date submitted to Cisco.
    • The RBA audit report should cover all Cisco production areas including workers’ dormitory & canteen if applicable. 
    • If the RBA audit was conducted in past 1 year and the score is below 160 or there are priority findings, please work with RBA to arrange a closure audit.

Please forward this request to the appropriate party within your company. If you have any questions about this request, please contact us at


Additional Links:

RBA CoC v6.0 in different languages           

Detailed information on the RBA VAP        

RBA VAP OPS Manual v6.0.0


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