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Calls Within Service Level: Skill_Group_Interval Vs Termination_Call_Detail

youssef nathan
Level 1
Level 1


I am facing issue with number of service level calls using query on TCD and another on Skill_Group_Interval , the output number from TCD always greater than SGI number , query used for both within same interval , on the same skill group.

Query used to select number of calls within service level threshold :

select DAY(DateTime) as Day , SkillGroupSkillTargetID, count(*)as ServiceLevelCalls from Termination_Call_Detail

  where SkillGroupSkillTargetID in (5008,5010,5287,5011,5015,5288,5012,5346)

  and CallDispositionFlag = 1

  and PeripheralCallType = 2

  and NetQTime <= 20

  and DateTime between '2016-10-10 00:00:00' and '2016-10-13 00:00:00'

  Group by SkillGroupSkillTargetID , DAY(DateTime)

  order by Day(DateTime)

Here i use NetQTime the number of seconds call wait on queue (20 Service level threshold value)

and the other one i got the results from CUIC report (peripheral skill group interval all fields) on the same skill groups at the same time interval

Always the number of query output greater than report output

also i tried to add to NetQTime + RingTime + DelayTime + NetworkTime

the difference get smaller but still there is difference in output

Any Help ??

Thanks in advance

2 Replies 2

Level 5
Level 5

I'm not the expert on this data, but I will point out a few things.

I believe a TCD record is only written for calls that complete, so the count may not match the SGI count.

The calculation for Service Level is quite complex, there are a number of places the Service Level can be over-ridden.  If you dump the SQL for a template which reports Service Level, you can see what I mean.


Jack Parker
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

In addition to Jack's response, the service level for a Skill Group starts when a call is queued to a skill group, and not when the call enters the system. If there is pre-call treatment (or other scripting) prior to when a call is queued to a skillgroup, this will need to be accounted for.